Sunday, 10 November 2013

Carcassonne (Peter Carlyon version!)

My friend Peter has commented on my foons in a way that only a close friend could (!)  He has also suggested that I might like to 'foon my way around Carcassonne'

Peter, these are for you !!  (every one else can turn away now, hehe)…….

A little run around the battlements....

Is that bloke taking a picture of moi ?

A 'Phoon'

This one is my 'original' style, right leg and right arm forward, on tip toe, just before I fall over.......

This one is the 'Classic Phoon', a little more balanced and coordinated perhaps (but I still think my 'Foons' are best!

Me! on a pedestal (just how I should be, haha)

Actually I am 'OK' with the 'Phoon' style

I'll come to terms with it I guess, if only so pacify Peter and my son Lewis

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