Thursday, 21 November 2013

Epernay (21 Nov)

In the afternoon we drove to Epernay for our next stop.  For some strange reason we only expected Epernay to be another quaint little rustic village......... WRONG!  Epernay is a small city full of splendour and elegance.  The Rue de Champagne is a road about half a mile long that is just busting at the seams with huge grand elegant Champagne houses.  It would appear that over the centuries, each Champagne maker who has 'made good' has gone out of his way to demonstrate his wealth by building bigger and better houses than the neighbours!  No wonder Champagne is expensive, these houses must have cost a fortune!

Fact:  There are over 110 Kilometres of subterranean cellars in Epernay holding over 200 million bottles of Champagne!

'Where's this Champagne road then?'

The Chateau Perrier.......

'You call that a front door!?'

The new Moet and Chandon building

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