Tuesday, 5 November 2013

We're lighter, thinner and fitter than ever!

Some of you will know that Katy and I have been on a 'fasting' diet for over a year now.  In our case this involves 1 day when we reduce our calorie intake to 500 cals for Katy and 600 cals for me, followed by 4 days of eating whatever we want!

Because I was the most porky out of the 2 of us when we started I have lost the most weight.

These are the figures:

6th August 2012................. Grahame 15 st  6 lb         Katy 11 st  2 lb

16th September 2013.......... Grahame 13 st  2 lb         Katy 10 st  6 lb

5th November 2013.............Grahame 12 st  7 lb         Katy 10 st  1 and 1/2 lb (it matters!)

So you can see that (A) we have lost significant weight and (B) we have continued to do so whilst stuffing ourselves with good food and wine over the last 2 months in France!

This diet is great, we have lower BMI's, lower fat percentage, lower visceral fat scores, lower blood pressure and lots of other good and positive effects.

We will probably just fix it to maintain our weights at or around there current levels simply by altering the amount of days between 'fasting days'.

The only (only!) downside to the diet is that on fasting days we progressively get more grumpy as the day goes on and towards the end of the day our concentration weakens a little...........ah well (sigh).


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